

Software information


Freeware (Free)


24 Jul 2011


Alex Feinman


Software Screenshots

Size: 50 KB

Downloads: 2614

Platform: Windows XP / 2003 / Vista

The CreateCD utility was designed to be a command-line-based alternative to the GUI-based CD-Recording process in Windows XP and Windows 2003. It has several benefits:
- Allows for unattended operations from batch files. A non-zero exit code is returned on failure
- Supports erasing CD before recording
- When possible, does not create an intermediate copy of the files and directories being recorded
- Supports creating bootable CDs. Currently boot image must be an image of a bootable 1.44MB floppy. The companion utility fdread.exe is used to create an image file of an existing floppy.
- CreateCD utility uses the same APIs and interfaces as Windows XP Shell CD Recorder.

The following is a command line format for CreateCD utility:

CreateCD [options] []...

options - one or more of the following:

-e[rase] - Erase disk before writing
-f[ullerase] - Erase disk and quit. This is 'full" erase that takes quite some time
-nologo - Do not display logo string
-r[ecorder]: - Use recorder
-s[peed]: - Use recording speed
-v[erbose] - Produce more output
-info - Print recorder/disk information and exit
-eject - Eject disk after writing
-l[abel]: - Set volume label. Default is today's date
-i[mage]: - Make disk bootable using image . should be an image of a bootable floppy

Example: CreateCD -r:e -i:bootflpW98.img C:Data*.*

NOTE: Free for non-commercial use What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· First build for Windows Vista. This will also work on Windows XP with SP3 (currently in beta), or Windows Update 932716. It introduces the ability to write DVD disks (including double layer) and chose whether the disk is closed after recording.

